Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hackers able to run PS3 back-ups via HDDs!

Hackers working on PS3 have manged to run PS3 retail games back-ups off its internal HDD or via USB HDD! This may soon lead to piracy issues similar to Sony's PSP UMD games being run off the Memory Sticks. While there seems to be more that needs to be done before this leads to mass piracy so rampant on the PSP, but things are slowly creeping towards that eventuality. Oh no!

While some are quick to point out that blu-ray discs can contain up to 25GB of data in one single layered disc, it must be noted that cross platformed games appearing on Xbox360s and PS3s does run on dual layered standard DVD (9.6GB) for the Xbox360 console. This simply means that current games are not using the limit of the blu-ray discs yet. So a 40GB HDD PS3 could still store up to 4 dual layered DVD games, theoritically speaking.

This will be very interesting to watch, as the PS3 is seemingly close to being fully hacked for piracy.

Link to the mumbo jumbo tech stuff here.

PS3 Devil May Cry 4 requires HDD install.

As a first for PS3, Capcom's Devil May Cry 4 will install 5GB worth of files on the PS3's HDD. The whole installation will occur during the initial run of the game and will take a whopping 20 minutes to complete. In that time, Capcom have kindly inserted a history of the entire Devil May Cry series while the PS3 is locked during the installation process.

The installation is supposedly to improve loading times on the PS3, but there are contrasting reports that this may not work that well. Many have said that load times are just few short seconds faster than the DVD streaming of the Xbox360. I will test it out when I get the Xbox360 version soon.

I sure hope that this is not the sign of times to come, as I did not get consoles to bear with installation times.

Xbox360 HD DVD prices cut to USD130 each

Microsoft had announced further price reduction of the Xbox360 HD-DVD addon peripheral. With immediate effect (from last week, I was slow in reporting this), you can get it for only USD130 (RM560), down from USD180 previously.

While this latest move will undoubtly save HD DVD from losing the format war (Blu-ray have many exclusive studios, with Warner being the latest to run away from HD DVD to be Blu-ray exclusive), its a good time to invest in one unit if you are wanting to see high defination movies via the Xbox360.

Me? I will stick to my blu-ray playing PS3 for my high def movie fixes.

Lost Planet demo pulled from PSN.

Capcom had released a demo for their upcoming PS3 game, Lost Planet, last week's Thursday to be exact. However, the demo was removed from PSN shortly therafter, as there were reported bugs in the demo with reference to its online features. The servers for the online play was also shut to prevent those who have gotten the demo from playing it online.

Capcom have since promised to release a clean, bug free version soonest possible back on PSN, but no mention of the bug or what it does. Or it could be a hidden / secret feature that was leaked in the demo version and Capcom just didn't want us to find out? Guess we will never know while looking forward to the new improved demo.

Latest Game Titles available in MY stores.


Burnout Paradise - (Asian) Racing


Turok - (US) FPS

Yahoo! board rejects Microsoft's bid, saying its too little.

Well, that was fast. Shortly after Microsoft announced a USD 44.6billion offer for Yahoo! to the Yahoo! board, Yahoo! have officially announced that they are not interested in the deal, citing that the offer was too low for Yahoo!'s potential.

In the press release, "the Yahoo! Board of Directors has carefully reviewed Microsoft's unsolicited proposal with Yahoo!'s management team and financial and legal advisors and has unanimously concluded that the proposal is not in the best interests of Yahoo! and our stockholders."

"After careful evaluation, the Board believes that Microsoft's proposal substantially undervalues Yahoo! including our global brand, large worldwide audience, significant recent investments in advertising platforms and future growth prospects, free cash flow and earnings potential, as well as our substantial unconsolidated investments.", it adds.

Microsoft have since then said that they are still very keen on pursuing this merger/buy-out. Lets see how this unfolds.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Latest Game Titles available in MY stores.

For once, a big title comes out in PS3 version earlier than the Xbox360 version, and in time for Chinese New Year break too.

Please take note this Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is the Asian version that comprises the game disc and a bonus "making of" DVD, selling for RM250++. The US version of the Devil May Cry 4: Collectors Edition will have more goodies. In addtion to the bonus DVD, there are a disc with the first four episodes of the 12-episode anime series (Vol. I of the four-disc DVD anime series) and music from the DMC4 soundtrack, a digital art book with images and sketches from the development team, wallpapers, icons and screen savers. The set will sell at a suggested retail price of USD$79.99 (RM280++).


Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition - (Asian) Action

(Box art may not be the same)


Devil May Cry Special Edition boxart is the same as regular boxart, as per below:-

Japanese Super Smash Bros. Brawl disc read error on Wii.

Nintendo of Japan have issued a statement about reported disc read errors for the game. According to the statement, Nintendo has received complaints from Super Smash Bros. Brawl buyers of the Wii being unable to read their newly bought disc, or of videos chopping up during playback. These users claim to have had no such problems with past games.

Nintendo then did a study, and concluded that the problem arises from dust building up on the Wii laser lens. As Super Smash Bros. Brawl uses a dual layer DVD (the touted D9), the disc is more sensitive to dirty lens. A fix to this problem is to clean the Wii laser lens but its not something regular Wii owners can't do on their own.

To fix this, Nintendo of Japan have offered to clean Japanese Wiis for free and even pay for the shipping fees. All you have to do is ship your Wii, warranty card and a copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (to prove you actually bought the game, and not simply wanting a free service) to Nintendo's service center in Kyoto. Only drawback, you lose your Wii for one week while Nintendo cleans your lens.

Be aware, please don't send in your modded Wii and expect a free service, ya?

"PlayStation 3 the Best" budget titles for Japan.

A Japanese online retailer have revealed Sony latest marketing strategy, a line of budget titles for PS3. These budget titles started life on the PS1, moving on to PS2 and now caught up to PS3.

According to the retailer, PS3 owners in Japan will soon be able to pick up "PlayStation 3 the Best" versions of Resistance, FolksSoul (known as Folklore elsewhere), Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Gundam: Target in Sight, and Ridge Racer 7 for 3,800 yen each. That's a saving of 2,200 yen per title.

Expect to see them by March 19th, 2008.

Entry-level Xbox360 debut in Japan on March 6th.

Microsoft is trying to revive Xbox360's fortune in Japan by announcing an entry-level Xbox360. Consisting of a console bundle with an extra 256MB memory unit, wireless controller, and game pack, all for tax-inclusive ¥27,800 (about RM1000).

No mention of the games titles in the pack, this SKU will debut on March 6th, 2008.

Microsoft bids for Yahoo! at USD$44.6 billion.

Steve Ballmer CEO have sent a letter to Yahoo!'s board of directors, persenting a formal offer of USD$31 per share for the company. This merger will cost Microsoft USD$44.6 billion at that offer price, with Mr. Ballmer stating "We have great respect for Yahoo!, and together we can offer an increasingly exciting set of solutions for consumers, publishers and advertisers while becoming better positioned to compete in the online services market."

"Today, the market is increasingly dominated by one player who is consolidating its dominance through acquisition. Together, Microsoft and Yahoo! can offer a credible alternative for consumers, advertisers, and publishers." he adds. Microsoft's current move is seen as their move to counter the threat of Google's market share in search engines.

Yahoo! have yet to respond to the "merger agreement", while Google's David Drummond, senior VP of corporate development (and the company's chief legal officer) says that he worries the acquisition of the internet portal by a company that has "frequently sought to establish proprietary monopolies" could "extend unfair practices from browsers and operating systems to the internet." His concern centers around the possibility that the combination of the two monoliths could "unfairly limit the ability of consumers to freely access competitors' email, IM, and web-based services."

Seems Google is anxious to keep their lead on their ad revenue, but this is going to be a very interesting watch over the next few months.

Rock Band for Wii, officially mentioned.

EA's CEO John Riccitiello confirmed a Wii version of Rock Band is forthcoming during his third quarter conference call done on Jan 31, 2008. In it, he mentioned of a "coming launch" of the Wii version of Rock Band. This is in line with Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos' mention of a Wii-specific version of the title, way back in April 2007.

No pricing, song list, DLC support nor release date was mentioned.

Rumor: New PS3 120GB SKU soon?

The rumor of a new PS3 SKU since the announcement of the death of the 80GB version have been rife on the internet. During a recent Gamestop conference call, the details of the new SKU was mentioned.

The new PS3 SKU has a 120GB HDD built in with Dualshock 3 thrown in. No price or debut date was mentioned, but it may come to light during GDC.