Thursday, October 25, 2007

Latest Game Titles available in MY stores.

Here's the list of games available in local MY stores for the past two weeks. Due to some games being released on multi platforms, I will feature the boxart only on the first format it appears (as they all share the same boxart except for the format header).


Oblivion: Game of the Year Version (US) - RPG
(Inclusive Shivering Isle expansion pack)

FIFA 08 (US) - Sports Simulation

SEGA Rally Revo (US) - Driving

DiRT (US) - Driving

Conan (US) - Action Adventure
The Orange Box (US) - FPS
(Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode 1, HL2: Episode 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2)

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (US) - Sports Simulation

FIFA 08 (US) - Sports Simulation
SEGA Rally Revo (US) - Driving
Crash of the Titans (US) - Action Platforming

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (US) - Sports Simulation
FIFA 08 (US) - Sports Simulation
Crash of the Titans (US) - Action Platforming
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (US) - Racing

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground (US) - Sports Simulation
FIFA 08 (US) - Sports Simulation
Crash of the Titans (US) - Action Platforming
Juiced 2: Hot Imports Night (US) - Driving
CSI: 3Dimensions of Murder (US) - Adventure

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