Wednesday, September 05, 2007

PS3 Firmware 1.92 latest information.

My PS3 firmware was updated to V1.92 last night:

It seems that Sony's Asia Playstation website contains a SNAFU (err... an error). In their website, they had stated:

"The PLAYSTATION®3 system software version 1.92 update includes the following:
Playability status with the PS3™ system has changed for some PLAYSTATION®3 format titles.

But a check in the Sony US Playstation site, reveals a slightly different message:

"New for 1.92: Playability status with the PS3™ system has changed for some PlayStation®2 format titles. To check on the latest status, visit the search site for compatible titles (coming soon)."

So now you know, V1.92 has resolved some of PS3's problems with playing certain PS2 games, however the PS2 titles are not revealed as of today.

Tsk tsk tsk, a knock on the knuckles for Sony Asia Playstation site is in order.

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