Thursday, June 12, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3 arrives in MY!

Here it is, available on the exact worldwide launch date! Yes, it's the Asian version (with English and Chinese language options) of Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4 for Sony's PS3 console. It was available in KL since late last night and with every purchase of the game, you get a free poster (pictured above with the game at the lower left corner). Its very cool to get some freebie especially with a game that's expected to be sold out very quickly.

The game is actually brought in by a local company (as opposed to importing from SG, which usually means that we get the games few days later after the street dates). Lets hope that this company will continue to bring us the games at such fast pace in the future. Kudos to them.

Note: Asian version refers to Sony Entertainment HK (which that covers territories as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore) - and not Sony Entertainment Japan - which western sites (like Engadget, Joystiq) are referring to as Asian. Lets hope they pick this info up.

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