Friday, September 28, 2007

Slim PSP No 1 seller in Japan two weeks in a row.

In the second week running, Sony's new slim PSP-2000 is the top seller in Japan.

The slim PSP have sold a total of 264,000 units during last week, while the previous week recorded a total of 95,487 units. This major upturn can be attributed to the launch of Square Enix's highly anticipated Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and its 77,777 special edition PSPs.

Last week's sales read as such:-

1) Slim PSP - 264,000
2) Nintendo DS Lite - 67,000
3) Wii - 27,000
4) PlayStation 2 - 13,000
5) PlayStation 3 - 11,000
6) Xbox 360 - 1,800

Interesting to note that Wii is still outselling PS3 at 2:1, and that PS2 still outsells PS3, while Xbox360 continues to languish in last place.

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